Product Details
Catalog Number: HMP303
Applications: Cell Assays
Type: Primary Cells
Storage: Keep frozen in liquid nitrogen until plating
Shipping: Frozen (Dry Ice/Liquid Nitrogen)
Format A: Frozen
Species Reactivity: Human
Downloads: Datasheet (pdf)
Product Sizes
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500,000 Cells - Frozen$1,126.44Add to Cart

Human Schwann Cells (HSwC) are isolated from human spinal nerve. HSwC are cryopreserved at passage one and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >5 x 10^5 cells in 1 ml volume. HSwC are characterized by immunofluorescence with antibodies specific to S100, GFAP, and CD90. HSwC are negative for HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi. HSwC can to further expand for 10 population doublings in our Schwann Growth Medium (SGM001).

Cells are prepared and manufactured in an ISO 9001:2015 certified environment and ISO 5 cleanroom.

Product Highlights:
Supporting Products
NameCatalog #Size
Schwann Growth MediumSGM001500 ml

Schwann Cells stained with O1 Antibody (cat no. MO15001 - red) and DAPI (blue).

Schwann Cells stained with O1 Antibody (cat no. MO15001 - red) and DAPI (blue).

Schwann Cells stained with s100 antibody (red) and DAPI (blue).

Schwann Cells stained with s100 antibody (cat no. GT15160 - red) and DAPI (blue).

Schwann Cells stained with s100 antibody (red) and DAPI (blue).

Schwann Cells stained with s100 antibody (cat no. GT15160 - red) and DAPI (blue).

GFAP (cat no. RA22101, red fluorescence) with DAPI (blue) counterstain

GFAP (cat no. RA22101, red fluorescence) with DAPI (blue) counterstain

GFAP (cat no. RA22101, red fluorescence) with DAPI (blue) counterstain

GFAP (cat no. RA22101, red fluorescence) with DAPI (blue) counterstain

P0 ( cat no. CH23009, green fluorescence) + DAPI (blue) counterstain.

P0 ( cat no. CH23009, green fluorescence) + DAPI (blue) counterstain.

Human Schwann Cells Cultured. Data courtesy of Min at the University of Iowa

Human Schwann Cells Cultured. Data courtesy of Min at the University of Iowa

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Edina, MN 55439

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Fax: 612-677-3976