We are pleased by the positive feedback we have received. We are also interested in improving our service and products. This includes understanding what is not working so we can fix it. Please do not hesitate to e-mail or call me directly (direct dial: 612-801-1007) with issues or suggestions.
Please share your testimonials and we will email you a $25 Amazon gift card. You can email your testimonials to pshuster@neuromics.com.
Pete Shuster, CEO and Owner.
What Our Customers Say
"Your Mouse Monoclonal MASH-1 Antibody is working really good and we are very happy with it and keeping Neuromics in mind for any future neuronal markers." Sabine Borwege, Sanai Laboratory Manager, Barrow Brain Tumor Research Center at St. Joseph's Medical Center
"This is the best staining we have ever had using an LepRb/OBRb antibody" Dr. Inga Kadish, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Combined Hippocampus, Cortex, and Ventricular Neurons: "I got 10 million cells total after extraction from the tissue. At Day 4 they all developed long axons. Thank you so much for the replacement." Dr. Lidia Gardner, University of Tennessee HSC.
Endomorphin 2 Antibody: "Thank you very much for your reply and also for this antibody which is far the best available on the market! :-)." Mark Kozsurek, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor,Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Semmelweis University
"Thank you! We love your antibodies, they work really well! "Carmen Sato-Bigbee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Neuroscience Graduate Program, Medical College of Virginia.
"We are very happy with the Strep-Tag system. I recently presented my protein purification data, as well as a cost comparison between a typical flag resin purification (our usual purification tag of choice) and the StrepII tag purification and everyone was impressed."
We do A LOT of protein purification with flag resin, so we are happy to see that the StrepII tag works equally well at a fraction of the cost. Any new constructs I build will now contain the StrepII tag, and I know others in the lab who will be building StrepII tags into their constructs as well." Michele Jaeger, Dr. Ervasti Lab, University of Minnesota
I wanted to let you know that I got the replacement proDynorphin to work well (strong staining with low background) in rat brain. Dr. Thressa Smith, MUSC
"Just letting you know we published our paper using the Tuj 1 (Neuron-specific class III beta-tubulin) and NSE (Neuron-Specific Enolase) antibodies you supplied to us – Timmons et al., Neuroscience Letters, Oct 1, 2009 [Epub ahead of print]. The antibodies were excellent and I’m sure we’ll be using Neuromics again in the future." Meghan Coakley, University College Cork
Testimonial on Cortical astrocytes: "We are currently growing them up and experimenting with passaging protocols. The astrocytes seem to be very healthy and we were very pleased with your kit. Admittedly, when we purchased the astrocyte kit we were skeptical that we would get anything out of them, but you proved us wrong." Dr. Robert Caudle, University of Florida
"I am very happy with your products. I have tested several chicken antibodies and they work perfectly. I also tried your pn-Fect™reagent for enteric neuronal cell line, much better than Lipofectamine 2000. " Dr. Wenhui Hu, Assistant Professor, Temple University
"Thank you for working with us in the past year to work out some of our antibody issues (we had run into a bad vial of 2AR ab.) Our work will appear next week online in PNAS- we cite the Neuromic antibodies. Have a great new year!" Dr. Laura Bohn, Associate Professor, OSU
"We recently ordered your BMP-7 antibody, and I used it on rat spinal cord sections. It worked beautifully." Molly Fuller (Dr. Robert Miller Lab), Case Western University
"I would like to state that I have had very positive interactions with your company, both in the arenas of customer and technical service-my compliments.” Amanda Ashley, Colorado State University
"The antibodies supplied by Neuromics Antibodies are a breath of fresh air. They are of the highest quality and very reliable." Sharon Averill, Queen Mary-University of London
"Neuromics’ VR1 N antibody gives us great labeling in rat trigeminal ganglion.” Dr. Norman Capra, University of Maryland
"Thank you for the Ret antibody! It worked beautifully on Bouin's fixed mouse testis at 1:100 dilution with no amplification (hence very little background). We will definitely be purchasing more of this very soon!" Amy Overbey, Washington University
"Your P2X3 worked like a dream." Vivian Hu, University of Vermont
"I am getting great staining with your VR1-C gp primary antibody. I get spectacular staining in the rat spinal cord as well as in the DRGs." Dr. JeungWoon Lee, Massachusetts General Hospital
"Neuromics Antibodies has a tradition of providing our researchers antisera of the highest quality. They also have demonstrated to us great customer service." Dr. Alan North, Professor and Director, Institute of Molecular Physiology, University of Sheffield
"I am pleased with the quality from Neuromics Antibodies and have become a repeat customer." Annie Eis, Medical College of Wisconsin
"I am a Customer and I would just like to say your antibodies are really good." Dr. Guilherme Lucas, Karolinska Institute
"Thank you so much for following up this order so that it made a quick and accurate arrival. I have been overly impressed with the service that I have been provided with in dealing with you. I deal with a lot of antibody companies and I can tell you that there is no way they even come close to your level of service, communication and sincerity." Melinda Kyloh, Flinders University
"Thank you for delivering excellent service and great pricing on our 3 collaborative antibody projects. Given the value we received and your expertise, we will definitely come to you for our future custom antibody needs." Dr. Thomas Stroh, McGill University
“Working with Neuromics has truly been a collaborative effort, from the initial antibody generation strategy to its development and characterization. This interaction between our groups was an important factor in our successful generation of a novel NPY Y2 antibody.” Dr. Tomas Hokfelt, Karolinska Institute
"I have a paper in press right now (with beautiful figures!) in Neuropsychopharmacology using your mGluR5 antibody co-labeled with GABAA - alpha1." Dr. Joyce Besheer, University of North Carolina
"The NPY Y2 Receptor is terrific." Dr. Victor Nadler, Duke University
"I love your chicken Neuron/Glial Markers. They enable us to double and triple labeling" Dr. Patrick Carr, University of North Dakota
"Your ARC antibody is working great on human breast cancer tissues. It has been very consistent." Isabelle Mercier, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
"I have attached a couple of photos of ret staining in the mouse testis. It stains the spermatagonial stem cells very specifically, which is exactly what we need." Kay Carnes, University of Illinois