Product Details
Catalog Number: 6-5000-001
Applications: FACS
Type: Fluoro-Stain
Format A: liquid
Species Reactivity: Human
Downloads: Datasheet (pdf)
Downloads: MSDS (pdf)
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50 ul$458.00Add to Cart

*Cat.No. 6-5000-001 (previously called Strep-Tactin® PE for MHC I Streptamers) replaces Cat. No. 6-5001-005 - Strep-Tactin® PE for Fab Streptamers. The products are completely identical.

For fluorescence-staining of cell isolates obtained after magnetic Fab Streptamer cell isolation. All required reagents, except Strep-Tactin PE or APC, are included in the Fab Streptamer isolation kits.

Streptamers, are used for efficient staining or isolation of cells. After separation of the labeled cells from non-labeled cells by flow-cytometric or magnetic cell isolation, the Streptamers are efficiently disrupted on the cell by addition of biotin. Subsequently, the dissociation and removal of the Strep-Tactin® backbone leaves monomeric Fab-Strep proteins on the surface of the cell.


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